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Cat Lover, Traveler, Wife, Boy Mom

Thank you for taking the time to consider me to be a part of your special life moments! From a young age, I have always had a camera of some sort in my hands. After high school, I decided to pursue my passion for photography and get my BFA in photography at Massachusetts College of Art. Professionally I have over 8 years of experience. 

I am a hands-on gal. I'm not afraid to move furniture around to get the right shot or sit for an hour to get a fussy newborn to pose perfectly. I'm that photographer that will brush the hair out of your face or place your hand in the best way to get the shot. Need your dress bustled or tissues, bobby pins, or double-sided tape? I am always equipped with my super fashionable, handy dandy, fanny pack to save the day at any wedding. I'll guide you to get the perfect shots but not everything needs to be guided. Those quiet candid moments are the photos I crave for and love dearly. I'm here to help you every step of the way to make you feel comfortable and at ease when it comes to your photo sesh. 



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